... until someone like you helped him find out!
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What if we won the next generation in China
for Christ?
Dear Champion of the Bible,

What if a child you love believed they didn’t even have a soul, so they didn’t need Jesus?

That’s what kids in China are taught in school, leaving Christian parents struggling to pass on their faith. And unlike us, they have very few resources to help them. I’m afraid that unless we can disciple more kids and youth in China, we could lose the next generation there.

Biblica’s Reach4Life youth Bibles are the help those parents have been praying for, and you can help send them today! Starting with our Chinese Contemporary Bible (CCB) translation, Reach4Life adds frank, Gospel-centered discussions of bullying, sex, identity, and other important life issues for young people.

Will kids read it?

Jiahao* didn’t want to go to the Reach4Life summer camp. The high schooler would rather have stayed home to play computer games. But his father insisted. Jiahao says,

“I went to the camp reluctantly, prepared to sleep through the sessions. However, to my surprise, the camp was quite interesting. They even talked about sex, a topic never talked about in school or the church. But what impacted me was [the Reach4Life chapter] ‘Who Am I?’

“I never thought that I am so precious in God’s eyes. I never knew that God loves me so much that He sent His Son to come to the earth to die for me. I am so grateful that I attended the camp. I was also baptized the month following and have been fully convinced of Jesus’s salvation. I have quit playing computer games. The Bible says we’re slaves to whatever controls us. I don’t want to be controlled by computer games. My life belongs to Jesus. Praise the Lord!”

Is there anything better than hearing a young person say with conviction, “My life belongs to Jesus”? Every $7 you can give today is enough to reach another person like Jiahao who urgently needs to hear God speak to them. Will you help?

Your partner in ministry,

Geof Morin Geof Morin
*Name changed for privacy.


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