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Look at the Book: 2 Kings [Infographic] 


Welcome back to Bible Gateway’s weekly Look at the Book series of short blog posts and infographics introducing you to the books of the Bible. The book of 2 Kings picks up right where 1 Kings left off, with the kings of Israel and Judah descending ever deeper into folly despite the warnings of prophets such as Elijah and Elisha.  

(If you want a deeper dive into this fascinating time period, take a look at our complete guide and chart for every king and prophet in the books of 1 & 2 Kings.) 

Scroll to the bottom if you’d prefer to see (and save) this article as an infographic. You’ll also find a handy 30-day reading guide. Or, for a challenge, you can do it in one week using the 7-day reading guide below. 


Continues the story of the two kingdoms (it was originally one literary work, just like 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Chronicles). The prophets Elijah and Elisha try to guide the people back toward God. It ends with the destruction of Jerusalem, which is the climax of the Old Testament’s plot. 

  • Category: History 
  • Theme: Decline 
  • Timeline: About 870-586 BC 
  • Written: Likely written around 561-538 BC by an unknown author 

Key Verse 

“The Israelites persisted in all the sins of Jeroboam and did not turn away from them.” — 2 Kings 17:22 (NIV) 

A Shame of Thrones 

Israel had 19 kings, all who “did evil in the eyes of the Lord” until exiled to Assyria because of their sin. Judah had 20 kings, only 8 of which “did what was right in the sight of the Lord.” 

7 Day Reading Guide 

(See 30-day guide below.) 


Even though the kings of the Davidic line proved themselves to be disobedient to the Lord, He did not bring David’s family to an end as He did the families of Jeroboam I, Omri, and Jehu in Israel. 

Access the rest of the series. Browse Bible studies for each book of the Bible. Or right-click on the infographic below to download and save the image for your reference.   

Infographic depicting major themes and content from 2 Kings
Chris Fann headshot

Chris Fann is the Senior Digital Marketing Manager for Harper Christian Resources. He loves the smell ofa baseball glove, coffee, and old books. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his wife, 2 teenage boys, and their dog, Freya. 

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