
$100,000 challenge:
Your gift doubles in impact!

You still have time to make double the impact for Christ! Some generous friends have challenged us to raise $100,000 by April 30 for this vital ministry and have donated $50,000 to bring us halfway to the goal.

That means your gift today can go twice as far when paired with challenge funds to unlock the power of God’s Word by providing relatable, contemporary translations and Bible study resources, especially in the Muslim world.

Your support is urgently needed.

Our own Biblica staff and many partner organizations are on the ground in areas of extreme persecution. They know the needs of the people groups they’re serving. They know how to speak to seeking hearts, disciple new believers, and strengthen local churches. But much of their work depends on having Bibles and Scripture resources to give away, and that’s where they need your help.

The gift of Bibles can influence the future of entire nations. Thank you for giving during the $100,000 challenge!