$100,000 challenge:
Your gift goes further!

We seldom think of owning a Bible—or translating one—as being dangerous. Yet in some predominantly Muslim nations, believers must risk everything to follow Jesus.

Today, you can honor their bravery and commitment with a gift to provide Arabic Bibles. You’ll accelerate the work of translating God’s Word into 29 regional dialects in 14 countries across the Middle East, giving 200 million people the opportunity to hear God speak directly to their hearts.

A dedicated partner has challenged us to raise $100,000 by April 30—and to show their commitment, they’ve given $50,000 to bring us halfway to the goal. Your gift will be paired with challenge funds, increasing your impact for this urgent need.

Together, we can let our brothers and sisters in Muslim nations know we have not forgotten them. Thank you for your gift today!