7 Ways to Capture the Reformation Spirit at Bible Gateway
Every October 31, we highlight Reformation Day in memory of Martin Luther's famous act of theological defiance and the movement it sparked. If you'd like to capture the spirit of the Protestant Reformation, now in its more than 500th year, we invite you to explore these free resources at Bible Gateway, as well as become a member of Bible Gateway Plus.
1. Read the Definitive Bible Translation of the Reformation.
The 1599 Geneva Bible—available as one of many Bible translations on BibleGateway.com—was an important and influential Bible throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. It’s also considered by many to be the world’s first study Bible, as it included a vast number of notes and commentary, written by a veritable who-‘s-who of the Reformation. Here’s John 3:16 in the 1599 Geneva Bible; you can also read more about its significance.
Important note: when reading this Bible on Bible Gateway, be sure to have footnotes toggled on, so you can enjoy the accompanying study notes.
2. Explore Reformed Thinking and Theology with the Reformation Study Bible.
If you're interested in a more modern study Bible that walks you through the Bible from a Reformation perspective, you can't do better than the Reformation Study Bible, available free at Bible Gateway. The Reformation Study Bible features thousands of helpful notes on every part of Scripture, written by distinguished theologians and scholars like Wayne Grudem, J.I. Packer, R.C. Sproul, and many others. To access the Reformation Study Bible notes alongside your Bible reading, look up any Bible passage and then select the Reformation Study Bible in the STUDY Tab. Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing so.
3. Take a Free Video Course on Understanding Scripture.
One of the core principles of the Protestant Reformation was the belief that the Bible could be approached and understood by anyone, no matter what your education or place in life. Do you understand how to approach and study your Bible? The 11-episode Knowing Scripture video series by renowned preacher and theologian R.C. Sproul is a great place to start. Watch all 11 episodes free on Bible Gateway.
4. Be Inspired by the Great Minds of the Reformed Church.
If you're looking for everyday inspiration and encouragement, turn to one of the many free Reformed devotionals at Bible Gateway. These devotionals, written by some of the most respected writers of the Reformed movement, will help you to better understand and apply your faith in everyday situations. Here are some of our favorites:
- Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon: the classic daily devotional by one of the most beloved figures of the modern church.
- John Piper Daily Devotional: daily inspiration from the respected pastor and author John Piper.
- Tabletalk Devotions: everyday insight from a Reformed perspective.
You'll find even more free devotionals at the Bible Gateway Devotionals page.
5. Discover New Ways to Engage Scripture.
Have you fallen into a rut with your Bible reading—or maybe even let Bible reading drop off of your daily schedule altogether?
Our Scripture Engagement articles and videos challenge you to breathe new life into your Bible reading by incorporating journaling, storytelling, and other simple practices into your Bible reading. A believer's personal connection to Scripture was a vital component of the Reformation—if you feel like you've lost that connection, see if one of these Scripture Engagement practices can restore your excitement about the Bible!
6. Probe Bible Gateway Blog Posts About the Reformation.
How did the Reformation change more than the church? Was the Reformation a mistake? Why is sola Scriptura such an important element of the Reformation? Read Bible Gateway Blog posts about the Reformation to find answers to these and other Reformation questions.
7. Research the Reformation with Excellent Resources.
Browse the many fine books about the Reformation in the Reformation Studies section of the Bible Gateway Store.