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Judah’s Guilty Heart

17 “The sin of Judah is written with an iron ·tool [L pen].
    Their sins were cut with a ·hard [L diamond] point into the ·stone that is [L tablet of] their hearts.
    Their sins were cut into the ·corners [L horns] of their altars [Ex. 27:2].
Even their children remember
    their altars [C to idols] and their ·Asherah idols [sacred poles; L Asherim]
beside the green trees
    and on the high hills [2:20].
My mountain in the open country
    and your wealth and treasures
I will give ·away to other people [L as plunder].
    I will give away the places of worship in your country,
    because you sinned by worshiping there.
You will ·lose [drop] the ·land [L inheritance] I gave you,
    and it is your own fault.
I will ·let your enemies take you as their slaves [L make you serve your enemies]
    to a land you have never known.
This is because you ·have made my anger burn like a hot fire [L kindled a fire in my anger],
    and it will burn forever [15:11–14].”

Trusting in Humans or God

This is what the Lord says:
“·A curse is placed on [L Cursed are] those who ·trust [have confidence in] other people,
    who ·depend on humans for [L make flesh their] strength,
    who have ·stopped trusting [L turned their heart from] the Lord.
They are like a ·bush [shrub; or juniper] in a ·desert [steppe]
    that ·grows in a land where no one lives [L lives in a salt land where no one lives],
    a ·hot and dry land with bad soil [L parched land in the wilderness].
They don’t ·know about the good things God can give [L see when good comes].

“But the person who ·trusts [has confidence] in the Lord will be blessed.
    ·The Lord will show him that he can be trusted [L …whose trust/confidence is in him].
He will be like a tree planted near water [C vital and strong]
    that sends its roots by a stream [Ps. 1:3].
It is not afraid when the ·days are hot [L heat comes];
    its leaves are always green.
It ·does not worry [is not anxious] in a year ·when no rain comes [of drought];
    it always produces fruit.

“·More than anything else [T Above all things], ·a person’s mind is evil [T the heart is deceitful; L the heart is devious/crooked]
    and ·cannot be healed [T desperately wicked; L it is perverse/sick].
    Who can ·understand [know] it?
10 But I, the Lord, ·look into a person’s [investigate/test the] heart
    and test the ·mind [L kidneys].
·So I can decide what each one deserves [L …to give to each according to his way/path];
    I can give each one the right payment for what he does.”

11 Like a ·bird [L partridge] hatching an egg it did not lay,
    so are the people who get rich ·by cheating [unjustly].
When their ·lives [L days] are half finished, ·they will lose their riches [L it will leave/abandon them].
    At the end of their lives, it will be clear they were fools.

12 From the beginning, our ·Temple [L sanctuary] has been ·honored [L exalted]
    as a glorious throne [C for God; Is. 6:1–3; Ezek. 1:26–28; 43:2–5].
13 Lord, hope of Israel,
    those who ·leave [abandon; forsake] you will be ·shamed [humiliated].
People who ·quit following the Lord [L turn away from you] will be ·written [recorded] in the ·dust [or underworld],
    because they have ·left [abandoned; forsaken] the Lord, the spring of living water [2:13].

Jeremiah’s Third Complaint

14 Lord, heal me, and I will truly be healed.
    ·Save [Rescue] me, and I will truly be ·saved [rescued].
    You are ·the one I praise [L my praise].
15 The people of Judah keep asking me,
    “Where is the word from the Lord?
·Let’s see that message come true [L Let it come]!”

16 Lord, I didn’t ·run away from [or insist on] being the shepherd ·you wanted [L after you].
    I didn’t want the ·terrible day [or day of despair] to come.
You know ·everything I have said [L what comes out of my lips];
    ·you see all that is happening [L it was before your face].
17 Don’t be a terror to me.
    ·I run to you for safety [L You are my refuge] in ·times [L days] of ·trouble [disaster; evil].
18 Make those who are ·hurting [persecuting; pursuing] me be ·ashamed [humiliated],
    but don’t bring ·shame to [humiliation on] me.
Let them be terrified,
    but keep me from terror.
Bring the day of ·disaster [evil; trouble] on them [C my enemies].
    Destroy them, ·and destroy them again [L with double destruction].

Keeping the Sabbath Holy

19 This is what the Lord said to me: “Go and stand at the People’s Gate [C of Jerusalem], where the kings of Judah go in and out. And then go to all the other gates of Jerusalem. 20 Say to them there: ‘Hear the word of the Lord, kings of Judah, all you people of Judah, and all who live in Jerusalem, who come through these gates into the city. 21 This is what the Lord says: Be careful not to ·carry [lift] a ·load [burden] on the Sabbath day or bring it through the gates of Jerusalem. 22 Don’t take a ·load [burden] out of your houses on the Sabbath or do any work on that day. But keep the Sabbath as a holy day, as I commanded your ·ancestors [fathers; Ex. 20:8–11; 31:12–18; Deut. 5:12–15]. 23 But your ·ancestors [fathers] did not listen or ·pay attention [L incline their ear] to me. They ·were very stubborn [L stiffened their necks] and did not listen. ·I punished them, but it didn’t do any good [L They did not take instruction/discipline]. 24 But you must ·be careful to obey [listen to] me, says the Lord. You must not bring a ·load [burden] through the gates of this city [C Jerusalem] on the Sabbath, but you must keep the Sabbath as a holy day and not do any work on that day.

25 “‘If you obey this command, kings who sit on David’s throne [2 Sam. 7:11–16] will come through the gates of ·Jerusalem [L this city] with their officers. They will come riding in chariots and on horses, along with the people of Judah and Jerusalem. And ·the city of Jerusalem [L this city] will have people living in it forever. 26 People will come [C to Jerusalem] from the villages around it, from the towns of Judah, from the land of Benjamin, from the ·western hills [L Shephelah], from the mountains, and from ·southern Judah [L the Negev]. They will all bring to the ·Temple [L house] of the Lord burnt offerings [Lev. 1:1–17], sacrifices, ·grain [L gift; tribute] offerings [Lev. 2:1], incense, and ·offerings to show thanks to God [thank offerings]. 27 But you must obey me and keep the Sabbath day as a holy day. You must not carry any loads into Jerusalem on the Sabbath. If you don’t ·obey [listen to] me, to keep the Sabbath day as a holy day, I will ·start [kindle] a fire at its gates [C of Jerusalem], and it will ·burn until it burns even [L consume; devour] the ·strong towers [palaces]. And it will not be put out.’”

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