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Blog / How Long Does It Really Take to Read the Bible?

How Long Does It Really Take to Read the Bible?

Chance Faulknerby Chance Faulkner

If you’re like me, you may often make excuses for not reading Scripture, the most common of which is “there’s not enough time!” But the reality is that there is enough time. We fill our schedules with other priorities while we neglect God’s Word.

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It can be helpful for us to realize just how much time reading the Bible actually takes. I’ve compiled a list of each book of the Bible ranked according to word count (using the English Standard Version Bible translation) and how long they take to read (based on a slow reader’s speed of 100 words per minute).

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Almost half the books in the Bible take less than a half-hour to read. Twenty-three of them can each be read in under 20 minutes! That’s one episode of your favorite program on Netflix (and let’s be honest, you’re going to watch 3–7 episodes consecutively). That’s the amount of time you probably spend checking Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter on any given morning. That’s the amount of half a lunch break at work.

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I hope this list will help you to see that reading whole books of the Bible is an attainable goal if we make it a priority.

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, What Are the Longest and Shortest Books of the Bible?]

Books of the Bible — Shortest to Longest

[This article originally was published by The Gospel Coalition, Canadian Edition. Used by permission.]

Bio: Chance Faulkner is married to Mary Austin, whom he met while studying at Emmaus School of Biblical Studies. They have two sons and a daughter (Titus, Ezra, and Frances). Chance is a full-time wedding photographer, the managing editor of H+E Publishing, and is pursuing his bachelor of theology at Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College. He serves and worships at The Gathering church in Peterborough.

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, This Year Select a Bible Reading Plan That’s Right for You]

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Filed under Bible, Introduction to the Bible, Literacy, Reading Plans